Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fare thee well

This will be my last post for... a while.
Starting a design firm, unfortunately a man needs to make money.

Thanks for enjoying the free designs, maybe we will see some on the market soon from anonymous idea thieving trolls. Just remember you saw them here first. ;)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pinard Clock (throwback)

So I saw a wicked clock in a movie (here) a few weeks ago and was amazed that afterwards, I realized I had no idea how the designer did it. Notice the arm has apparently nothing to make it move. Turns out it was designed by a famous illusionist (Houdin). So I took it upon myself to figure out just how the heck this guy did it... without using a Google search. Anyway after about 15 minutes of staring I finally figured it out. I was so impressed with the simple genius of it I decided to design this "throwback" to the Houdin clock. Mine makes the illusion a fair bit more obvious, but regardless, I am very happy with how it turned out. There would be four motors, two on either side, controlling the position of each hand. The time adjusters are located on the back, M for minutes and H for hours stupid. The unit would ideally be plugged into the wall, so as to avoid having those annoying dieing battery issues, and de-syncronyzing the motors.
If you haven't figured out the illusion from the images yet... good luck with life. ;)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jinard iWare

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank web-help forums. spent a week in enraged misery solving my Photoshop issues. I have a few designs that have been waiting to make their debut.

Any way, I was thinking about making some eyewear based on the screwless are designs that are starting to pop up, of which of course there are a few (here) and (here). Though the funny thing is these bad boys still ended up with those annoying little fasteners on the side to hold the arm in place. Maybe just as a nod to the ancient eye-glass technology god... or not.
Either way I felt that adding a bit of a thick clunky look (the screws) would nicely offset the minimalistic frames... which of course are very, very minimal. I think we are safely to the point where the frames of glasses don't need to encompass the entire lens (and i mean material strength wise). So I give you iWare (yeah I called it that), the glasses that some how have both the thick look of the classic Raybans and the light airy feeling of frame-less glasses.

Seriously, really happy I got my GD pscs5 workign again. (thanks Tim Hendry)